burrito making - foodborne illness risk reduction

Foodborne Illness In The Industry

It was recently announced that Chipotle has tapped Zenput software to ensure food safety standards are upheld in their restaurants. The Zenput software will allow Chipotle Corporate to monitor and audit restaurant operations remotely. They’re also planning on improving restaurant operations by including food safety protocols through the deployment of Zenput to reduce the risk of foodborne illness.

The working assumption is that field leaders are tracking store operations to ensure that managers are staying on task and adhering to procedures. With the addition of Zenput software, these field leaders will now have clear visibility into each location which will allow them to spot trends as they occur. This also allows the field team to focus their efforts on coaching and holding their teams accountable instead of spending time diagnosing issues. Zenput’s app will allow Chipotle to check temperatures, handwashing and employee wellness, line checks, food safety compliance and much more.

My concern as an operator is that no matter what system you have in place to monitor food safety, the systems are only as good as the operator & field team’s ability to follow through with coaching and proper mentoring before issues arise.  Were the recent problems at Chipotle corporate’s fault, a field problem with the operators or regionals, or was it simply a lack of training and follow up? Do you feel that Chipotle’s utilization of Zenput is the answer to the issues that continue to persist? The bottom line is that their customers do not care, all they want is a clean and safe place to eat.

What Are Your Thoughts On This Topic?

Allow Bill Flynn, who is our Food Safety expert with many years of experience managing various aspects of brand protection, to help your business. His expertise lies in multiple areas relating to restaurant food safety and quality assurance including (but not limited to) food safety audits, supply chain management, employee training, HACCP planning, and much more.

We guarantee to help you protect your brand and your customers from a foodborne illness outbreak.

Ric Gordon